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Specific Duties Of Distributor


Distributor shall use best efforts to perform the following duties:

(1) Appoint dealers and maintain facilities for the sale of the goods of manufacturer and maintain a business and sales organization adequate to work and develop the territory of distributor to the satisfaction of manufacturer.

(2) Provide and maintain at all times a stock of goods from manufacturer adequate to meet the needs of the territory of distributor.

(3) Except on prior written approval of manufacturer, to refrain from establishing a resale price for any of the goods of manufacturer in an amount less than that required by any state fair trade law.

(4) Confine sales of the goods of manufacturer, other than replacement parts, to persons who are engaged in the business of selling the goods at retail.

(5) Confine sales of replacement parts to persons who are engaged in the business of selling at retail, except in cases where by reason of the location of the users there is no dealer who can satisfactorily service or replace parts of users.

(6) Accept the suggestions and requests of manufacturer in advertising and general sales promotion policies of manufacturer.

This is a UCC-buying and selling provision. It is designed to supplement UCC buying and selling forms found in this category.